It's that time again. Time when little princesses and super heroes take to the streets to enjoy all the fun and free candy that Halloween has to offer.
While you may not worry so much about the kind of candy that you give out to fellow trick or treaters, the candy your kids bring home is cause for concern. For kids who are sensitive to gluten, the fear of a candy mix up among friends can be worrisome. But not to fear... our updated list of gluten free Halloween candy to the rescue!

Halloween is the only time when kids of all ages can gather as much candy as humanly possible and then search through it all to find the perfect one to start with. If that also includes checking labels and referencing websites for celiac-safe Halloween candy, the fun can be exhausted very quickly.
Here's a nice list of all the gluten free Halloween candy you and your kids can enjoy till they (and you) are sugared-out!
For more gluten free snacks, check out these posts: gluten free granola bars, gluten free graham crackers, and flourless peanut butter cookies.
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Gluten Free Halloween Candy: Key Take-Aways
Here's a quick list of some of the most popular gluten free candy:
- Ferrera/Ferrero Brand: Butterfinger, Sno-Caps, Raisinets, Lemonhead, Pixy Stix
- Hershey's Brand: Milk Chocolate Kisses, Milk Chocolate Bars, Heath, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, Rolo, Payday, York Peppermint Patty
- Just Born Brand: Peeps, Mick and Ike, Hot Tamales
- Mars Brand: M&M's, Snickers, 3 Musketeers, Milky Way Midnight Bar and Caramel Bar (not original)
- Spangler Company Brand: Starburst, Skittles, Swedish Fish, Smarties, Laffy Taffy
- Tootsie Roll Brand: all Tootsie Roll products, including Andes Mints
- Wrigley Brand: all products
For the complete list of exactly what candy is gluten free, keep scrolling.
List of Gluten-Free Halloween Candy Brands
The brands listed below are current as of 8/2023. The brand that manufactures or owns the candy is listed first, then the actual candy is listed in the bulleted list. While this list has been checked and re-checked, there may be some new candies that have not been included yet.
1. Ferrara
- Goobers
- Nips
- Nestle Spree
- Bottlecaps
- Gobstoppers (including chewy and original)
- Jujyfruits
- Lik-M-Aid Fun Dip
- Lemonhead
- Mix-Ups
- Nerds (including Nerds Gumballs and Nerds Rope)
- Pixy Stix
- Runts (including chewy and original)
- Redhots
- Shockers
- Sno-Caps
- Sweetarts
Note: Candy Corn does not contain gluten ingredients however, they are not guaranteed to be free of cross contamination.
2. Ferrero
- Butterfinger (does NOT Include Butterfinger Crisp)
- Raisinets
3. Hershey’s Candy | The Hershey Company
The Hershey Company keeps an ongoing list of gluten free candy and updates it frequently. In general, if it's a seasonal candy, avoid it. But these candies all fall into the gluten free category:
- Almond Joy - except Almond Joy Pieces
- Mounds Bars
- Brookside Chocolate - a favorite at my house! These are all gf:
- Brookside Dark Chocolate Acai and Blueberry Flavors
- Brookside Dark Chocolate Goji and Raspberry Flavors
- Brookside Dark Chocolate Merlot Grape and Black Currant Flavors
- Brookside Dark Chocolate Mango and Mangosteen Flavors
- Brookside Dark Chocolate Pomegranate Flavor
- Brookside Milk Chocolate Covered Almonds
- Dagoba - organic chocolate
- Heath Bars
- Hershey’s Kisses - these are all gf:
- Hershey’s Kisses - Hot Cocoa
- Hershey’s Hugs Candy
- Hershey’s Kisses Milk Chocolate Filled with Caramel
- Hershey’s Kisses Milk Chocolate Filled with Cherry Cordial Crème
- Hershey’s Kisses Dark Chocolate Filled with Mint Truffle
- Hershey’s Kisses Meltaway Milk Chocolates
- Hershey’s Kisses Milk Chocolate
- Hershey’s Kisses Special Dark Mildly Sweet Chocolate
- Hershey's Kisses - Candy Cane
- Hershey's Kisses - Kiss Deluxe
- Hershey's Kisses - Espresso
- Hershey's Kisses Creamy Milk Chocolate
- Hershey's Kisses Creamy Milk Chocolate with Almonds
- Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar (1.55 oz only) - Watch the sizes!
- Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar with Almonds (1.45 oz only) - Watch the sizes!
- Hershey's Nuggets
- Hershey’s Nuggets Milk Chocolates
- Hershey’s Nuggets Milk Chocolate with Almonds
- Hershey’s Nuggets Special Dark Chocolate with Almonds
- Hershey’s Nuggets Extra Creamy Milk Chocolate with Toffee and Almonds
- Hershey's Nuggets Special Dark Chocolate
- Hershey's Milk Duds
- Hershey's Special Dark Snack bars
- PayDay - all sizes
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups - these are gf:
- Reese’s Fast Break Bar
- Reese’s Nutrageous Bar (Standard and King)
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups – All Except Seasonal Shaped Items
- Reese's Unwrapped Mini Minis - Milk Chocolate and White
- Reese’s Pieces Candy - All Except Reese’s Pieces Eggs
- Reese's Pieces Peanut Butter Cups – All Except Seasonal Shaped Items
- Rolo candy - not Rolo minis!
- Scharffen Berger Bars
- SKOR and SKOR Toffee bar
- York Peppermint Patties - not these: York Pieces Candy, Sugar Free Peppermint Patties, York Minis, and York Shapes (5 oz.)
4. Just Born Inc.
Although the candies listed below are made without gluten ingredients, Just Born encourages customers to check the labels of the candies as some are made on gluten equipment also.
- Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews (including Bite-Size Chewy Pieces Combo bag, Milk Chocolatey and Original Dark)
- Mike and Ike (including Hot Tamales, Jolly Joes snack size, Mummy’s Mix Chewy Fruit flavor, Original Fruit, Tangy Twister, Zours Chewy Sour candy)
- Peeps (including chocolate mousse-flavored cats, dark chocolate-covered pumpkins, dark chocolate-dipped orange chicks, ghosts marshmallow candy, milk chocolate-covered pumpkins, milk chocolate-dipped orange chips, mini marshmallow chicks, pumpkins marshmallow candy, sugar-free pumpkins marshmallow)
- Teenee Beanee jelly beans
5. Mars
Mars encourages consumers to read the label before purchasing and look for the “May contain [allergen]” label. During Halloween, some candy is produced at alternative facilities that may provide gluten cross-contamination risks.
- 3 Musketeers Bar (all flavors)
- Dove Chocolate (all flavors EXCEPT milk chocolate cinnamon graham and cookies & cream)
- M&M’s (all flavors except for pretzel-flavor)
- Milky Way Midnight Bar and Caramel Bar (Milky Way original is NOT gluten-free)
- Snickers Bar (all flavors)
6. Organic Brands
- Endangered Species Chocolate (will be clearly labeled if gluten-free)
- Green & Black’s Organic chocolate bars (including almond, butterscotch, caramel, cherry, creamy milk, dark 85%, dark 70%, espresso, ginger, hazelnut and currant, Maya gold, milk chocolate, mint, raisin and hazelnut, white)
- Heavenly Organics (including Honey Pattie Chocolate Almond-Healthy Candy, Honey Pattie Chocolate Ginger-Healthy Candy, Honey Pattie Chocolate Mint-Healthy Candy, Honey Pattie Chocolate Pomegranate-Healthy Candy
- Righteously Raw Chocolates (are labeled with the CSA Celiac Sprue Gluten-Free Certification label)
7. Spangler Candy Company
Most of Spangler Candy Company's chewy candy favorites (Starburst, Skittles, Smarties) are gluten free. Refer to the company with any specific questions though.
- Bit-O-Honey
- Candy Canes
- Candy House Candy Buttons
- Circus Peanuts
- Dum-Dums
- Haviland Thin Mints, Wintergreen Patty Nonpareils and Chocolate Starts Skybar
- Jelly Belly
- Laffy Taffy
- Life-Savers
- Mary Jane (including peanut butter kisses)
- Necco Chocolate Wafers
- Necco Wafers
- Red Bird Peppermint Puffs
- Saf-T-Pops
- Starburst
- Skittles
- Smarties
- Sour Patch
- Swedish Fish
8. Tootsie Roll Industries
All Tootsie products are gluten-free:
- Andes Mints
- Candy Carnival
- Cella's Cherroes
- Charms
- Charms Mini Pops
- Child's Play
- Fluffy Stuff
- Fruit Chews
- Mini Bites
- Razzles
- Sugar Daddy
- Tootsie Rolls
- Candy Blox
- Caramel Apple Pops
- Charleston Chew
- Charms Blow Pops
- Charms Organic Pops
- Cry Baby
- Dubble Bubble
- Frooties
- Junior Mints
- Nik-L-Nip
- Sugar Babies
- Tootsie Pops
- Wack-O-Wax
9. Wrigley
All U.S. Wrigley products follow all FDA labeling regulations. If the use of gluten is critical to the taste of a Wrigley product, then gluten-containing ingredients are labeled. Wrigley advises consumers concerned with gluten sensitivities to read the label and check with their doctors if they have questions.
Have a goulish good time with all your gluten free Halloween candy!
Fabulous blog, but for me it was too late, will keep it for next year though
Chrissy Lane
Hi Corinne,
Oh darn!
Well, we will put an update out earlier next year!